Delegated Democracy
Delegated democracy is an idea for a new form of government that looks
to realize the values and vision of past democratic models of government, yet
failed in their aspirations due to the fact that there was simply no way to
reasonably carry them out.
Democracy in America is a democratic republic and in such a
republic career politicians are born, political parties become entrenched and
gain enormous power, and corruption ensues as rich and powerful third party
organization are able to hold sway over the elected officials that act not in
accordance to the people’s wishes but instead against them.
Delegated democracy can be enabled for the first time now
via a new technology called blockchain technology; the blockchain is famously
known use case Bitcoin, but actually has a wide range of applications, not just
revolutionizing money.
The power of the blockchain is that its ledger can show with
100% clarity who has done what and when.
For moving money, knowing these things is very important and thus the
growing popularity of Bitcoin, but when it comes to things like elections, it
is also very important to know who has done what and when. Elections right now are a cumbersome process
that needs A LOT of oversight, planning, and maintenance in their execution. But a blockchain can greatly reduce the
burden of instituting elections as well as highly streamline the process; that
basically a completely different kind of voting and therefore government can be
formed, one run far more efficiently and more openly.
If you were to combine the Senate, the House of Republicans,
the US Constitution, and all the law books into one, that would be the
blockchain in a delegated democracy. No
more corruption in any of those positions, no more administration costs, no
more politicking at foundational levels.
Instead a platform can be made where the peoples will is recording in an
ongoing continual basis, updated in real time and reflected in real time. This can be done through delegated democracy.
People don’t want to vote in every election, and neither can
they spend all the time researching each issue fully even if they wanted, and
they definitely can’t take the time themselves to debate the crafting of each
law word for word. And so we live in an
imperfect system where people watch TV commercials or maybe a couple of debates
if that and then going off of that information elect officials that then make
all the decisions for the country. It is
frustrating because very rarely do said officials actually do what they say, so
at a fundamental level the system is not honest, but instead purposely misleads
people time after time.
Delegated democracy can solve these problems by using a
blockchain to allow each and every person to vote on each and every issue brought
before their government. In a republic
these are issues that the elected officials would normally take care of. A delegated democracy is real democracy
because if a person does not want to vote on every single issue, they may
instead transfer their voting power to another trusted person they believe in
to vote for them.
This allows for a completely new system to arise and that
instead of being a two party system, a 10,000 party system arises. Anybody can become a delegate and represent
their own party. And within a party
there can be 10,000 divisions. And in
this way each voter can find a delegate that will vote exactly the way they
would want them to vote on exactly each issue.
Let us say a very population delegate arises to power in the
year 2040 name Ryan Paul, the son of Rand Paul and the grandson of Ron
Paul. Ryan Paul has veered quite a bit
from his father and grandfather’s position and in doing so as a delegate has
become quite popular and not just “the other guy”. And let’s say that I as a citizen really like
his platform, except one thing. I don’t
like his stance on business taxes.
Within the Ryan Paul party it will be pretty easy to find a delegate
that promises to always vote like Ryan Paul, except when it comes to business
taxes. And let’s say my wife really
likes Ryan Paul but doesn’t like his stance on women’s issues, so instead
within the Ryan Paul party she finds a delegate that will always vote with Ryan
Paul except on issues involving women, and so it goes.
In this system, Ryan Paul is not a President, or a Governor,
or a Senator, but in some ways has taken over some of the most important duties
of these people. He would not get paid,
but when laws are introduced or updated, he could vote on them, but as a
delegate with a lot of supporters, his vote could hold considerable sway. This job
of course would be one that pays $0 a year, but people that transfer their
voting rights to him, could also make a small donation to help support him if
they so choose too.
This makes the Democratic Party very quickly turn into a
rainbow of sub-parties, as well as the Republican Party, and as well as the
Independent Party. And these rainbows
start to strongly overlap so that it is now difficult to tell just exactly what
the Democratic, Republican, or Independent Party is. Instead we are left with delegates that
express their party’s true values and stances on issues and vote in accordance
with them. And if any one delegate isn’t
upholding their platform and doing exactly what they say, they can be voted out
in real time at any time.
In such a system delegates would get paid nothing, but would
be voting in accordance with their love for country, city, or state. Anyone citizen could become a delegate at any
time. In this way the people gain a much
more powerful say in just exactly what will and will not be done on each issue. And of course if a person wants to vote for
themselves on each issue that is fine too.
Delegate power could be transferred out or kept private at the city,
state, or national level depending on what a person’s interests are.
All voting or transferring of voting power to delegates can
be done very simply and easily at ones cell phone or home computer. And all votes are 100% transparent. They are all recorded on the blockchain and
fully auditable by anyone at any time. At
no point in time before now could this every have been achieved but blockchain
not only does this but does it easily.
This allows for a revolution. Once a person is in power they no longer have
2, 4, or 6 years to do as they like. If they
aren’t voting or doing work that the citizen likes, they can have their delegate
power revoked at any time. Competitors
will be very quick to point out if a person voted congruently with their
promises and if not alternative options will quickly arise and be only a 30
login and transfer away for the citizen.
Furthermore, and very interestingly, not only can the block
chain server as a giant ledger of who did what and when, but it actually has
processing and execution power via a new technology called smart
contracts. Smart contracts allow for “if
this then that” style of programming execution of value. So if a vote is made to build a road and a
contractor is selected, then the blockchain can release funds to that
contractor and only that contractor. Or
if a new law is made banning a flying drones with HD x-technology cameras that
essentially allow any one person to see clearly what is happening inside of
another’s home at any time, then when a police officer finds a drone operator
breaking this law, then when the person is cited, there will be a new citation
with a set fine and punishment made in the blockchain that can be referenced
that links the operator and the citation and explains how the operator must
make amends.
Via delegated democracy on the blockchain and smart
contracts, a new kind of government can be formed and run much more efficiently
and with transparency. And when other
blockchain technologies are added such as blockchain based citizen registry
and/or land/property management, as well as handling the full process of
collecting taxes, government budgets, and paying out this money for services
and programs (again all via smart contracts with no overhead costs), then a new
vision of government can be formalized, one that comes much closer to upholding
the true realization of democracy, transparency, and efficiently run